Qpon is Your ultimate savings companion. Our app offers a treasure trove of deals and discounts, helping you save big on everything you desire
With a monthly subscription, you gain access to a wide array of coupons from various brands, including resturants, beauty, fitness, and more.
Plus, if you use a promo code, you'll enjoy a 14-day free trial. Say goodbye to paying full price and hello to QPon's incredible discounts.
Consumers struggle to maximize their savings because they lack a one-stop solution for accessing diverse brand discounts. QPon's challenge is to raise awareness of its mobile app, enticing users to subscribe to monthly deals and discounts while becoming a prominent name in the discount market.
Your innovation partner in mobile app development, brings strategic expertise to enhance QPon, making it your ultimate savings and discount app.
Develop an intuitive and user-friendly app interface that makes it effortless for users to browse, discover, and redeem discounts.
Implement an intelligent recommendation system that tailors coupon offerings based on user preferences and past activity, increasing engagement.
Simplify the promo code redemption process, ensuring users can easily access the 14-day free trial and other promotional offers.
Launch targeted marketing campaigns across various platforms to increase brand visibility and attract a wider user base.
Use push notifications to remind users of expiring deals, new additions, and personalized offers, encouraging them to stay engaged.
Incorporate a feedback system to gather user suggestions and concerns, allowing for continuous improvement and refining of the app's features and functionality.
In partnership with TechnBrains, QPon is poised to revolutionize your savings journey. Embrace the future of discounts, and start saving today!